F.I.R.S.T. (Fostering Intentional Relationships for Successful Transition)
FIRST is a program that provides first-year students with a community based in shared interests and connections. The program supports a cohort of student success and transformative experiences through the exploration of academic adjustment, life experiences, leadership development, and critical inquiry in a fun and welcoming environment. Participation in the program will increase peer interactions, deepen students’ connection with faculty and staff, engage in co-curricular opportunities, and create spaces for students to feel welcome, valued and included. This program offers a consistent level of programming that will help students build strong connections with campus resources. This program is open and available to all first-year students.
Program Dates: August 19-20
Applications are due by July 26, 2024.
Benefits of Participating in F.I.R.S.T.:
- Leadership Development: Engage in leadership activities and develop skills that will empower them to become active contributors to their campus community.
- Community Building: Build connections with peers, faculty and staff, creating a supportive and inclusive community.
- Academic Support: Assisted in navigating the academic transition to college by offering resources and guidance for academic success.
- Access to Campus Resources: Access to a to a consistent level of programming and support, helping them navigate campus resources effectively and make the most of their college experience.
- Personal Development: Discover strategies for balancing academics and social aspects in college.
What Will You Do?
- You will participate in an off campus three-day precollege transition and leadership experience. Through activities and workshops, participants will begin to establish friendships, interpersonal communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills.
- Attend bi-weekly mentorship groups lead by a peer mentor and professional staff/faculty mentor.
- Become aware of your own leadership potential and develop leadership goals that will help you academically and to be socially engaged.
- Meet one on one with staff/faculty mentor at your own time.
F.I.R.S.T. is designed for all our incoming first-year, first-generation, underrepresented student populations.
How to Get Involved
Apply to F.I.R.S.T.! If you are interested in F.I.R.S.T. please fill out this form to confirm your participation
- Students who apply will be notified via their University email on August 1, 2024 of their application status.
- Resident students accepted to participate will move into their fall housing assignment early.
- Commuter students accepted to participate will be expected to commute to the University’s West Haven Campus for the duration of the FIRST program.
- FIRST is funded by the Undergraduate Student Government Association (USGA) so there is no cost for students to participate.
Become a Mentor!
We are currently seeking faculty, staff and students to serve as mentors to our incoming students. We follow a group mentoring model; each group will have a pro staff and peer mentor co-leading. This is an opportunity to become a role model and help our students to develop their leadership skills to serve the communities in the future.
Responsibilities and Participation
- Agree to the mentoring role for an academic year.
- Agree to meet Bi-weekly every month in person.
- Agree to attend mentor training before the start of the semester.
- Agree to provide Bi-weekly updates on mentees through a structured reporting system (pro staff mentors).