I learned more than I ever thought possible
We invite any past SURF students who would like to be included on our SURF Alumni page to send us updates on their current academic and professional activities. Please contact us at SURF@newhaven.edu or grad-grants@newhaven.edu.
To view the SURF papers submitted by these alumni, please visit the Past Projects page.
I learned more than I ever thought possible
Natural History Documentation of the island of San Salvador, Bahamas
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship.
Presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society Conference in Oct. 2016.
Presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society Conference in Oct. 2016.
Presented SURF Project at a conference in Nebraska with mentor, Mary Isbell.
Published a chapbook based on research done during SURF period.
Presented research and chapbook at the Annual Sigma Tau Delta Literature Conference at Shepherds University in Oct. 2016.
Environmental Protection Agency’s Greater Research Opportunities Fellowship.
Published: Dr. Christopher J Martinez, Katherine Seggerman, and Andy Perez. Observing Hand Placement and Measurement on a Tabletop Using a Depth Camera, Proceeding of the Ninth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, p 569-574, 2015. Katie Seggerman also placed 3rd at the SWE Northeast Research Poster Competition, 2016.
Worked with Dr. Carmel Cuomo, the University of New Haven College of Arts &' Sciences, on a study about the morphometrics of horseshoe crabs, and presented this research at the annual conference of Geological Society of America in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Received support from the Connecticut Space Grant Consortium, funded by NASA to study how the shape of deceleration devices help put the "air brakes" on space mission devices, slowing them as they land. Working with Dr. Maria-Isabel Carnasciali and collaborating with people across the county on this project. Conference in San Francisco – Dr. Carnasciali presented their findings at the American Physical society’s Division of Fluid Dynamics.
National Science Foundation - Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU), University of Southern California and Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies. Presented SURF research at 2014 Northeast Undergraduate Research and Development Symposium. University of New Haven Honors Program.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) - Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship. Program , Howard Laboratory, Sandy Hook, NJ. Preparing to present SURF at the 2015 winter meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Southern New England Chapter. University of New Haven Honors Program.
National Science Foundation - Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU), California State University Monterey Bay. University of New Haven Honors Program.
William H Putnam, Dr. Christopher J. Martinez and Professor Alice E. Fischer, Expanding the Overall Efficiency of Tomorrow's Data Centers Through Processor Optimization, ASEE 2014 North East Conference.
Matthew Ciarletto, Christian Ruiz and Dr. Christopher J. Martinez, The Feeling of Sound, Consortium for Computer Sciences in Colleges Northeastern Region (CCSCNE) 2014. Matthew Ciarletto - University of New Haven Honors Program.
Currently Employed at Blackbird Studios in Nashville, TN. Presented SURF research at the 2013 International Audio Engineer Society Convention in New York City.
Currently a Ph.D. student at Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences. Was a recipient of the 2014 Herbert F. Wright Outstanding Biology Student Award. Presented research of Lyme Disease (SURF/Honor's thesis 2013-2014) at the Northeast Regional Honors Council Conference in April 2014. Was a Hatfield Scholar in 2013-2014 - "Research and lab involvement was a big part of my application." Mentored students from the Sound School as a continuation of SURF 2012 project on mycobacteriophage.
Mt. Sinai DNA Sequencing Lab. Internship with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station.
National Science Foundation, Research Experience for Undergraduates (NSF-REU), University of Hawaii (Summer 2013). Did research working for the New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, NY. Upon graduating from the University of New Haven, received Undergraduate Research Award from College of Arts and Sciences and Herbert F. Wright Biology & Environmental Science Award from Department of Biology & Environmental Science.
Presented his research at the Summer 2013 meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Southern New England Chapter. Co-recipient of the 2014 Herbert F. Wright Outstanding Biology Student Award. Has been published in; Smircich, M.G. and J.T.Kelly (2014). Extending the two percent rule: the effects of heavy internal tags on stress physiology, swimming performance, and growth in brook trout. Animal Biotelemetry 2:16. Currently pursuing an M.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut.
Resource Assistant, CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. Research Assistant, Kelly Marine Ecophysiology Laboratory. Adjunct Faculty, University of New Haven. Received Best Student Presentation Award at 2014 summer meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Southern New England Chapter. Presented research at three conferences.
Ph.D. candidate, Duke University, Department of Chemistry National Institute of Standards and Technology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (NIST SURF), Summer 2011 and 2012. CT Space Grant Consortium Fellow, 2011
Following graduation from University of New Haven in 2009, Mackenzie went on to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree from the University of California, San Diego in 2013. After graduation she completed a clinical pharmacy practice residency with Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Bear is currently a Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist pharmacist practicing at Cedars-Sinai hospital.