Steven A. Raucher, Ph.D., J.D.

Communications, Film and Media Studies Department
College of Arts and Sciences
J.D., Bridgeport School of Law at Quinnipiac College
Ph.D., Wayne State University, Mass Communication/Higher Education Administration.
M.S., Brooklyn College, City University of New York - Radio/TV Broadcasting.
B.A., Queens College, CUNY - Communication Arts & Sciences.
A.A., Queensborough Community College, CUNY
About Steven
Steven A. Raucher has been a professor in the Communication, Film, & Media Studies
Department at the University of New Haven almost 40 years. His main teaching and research
areas include communication law, social media & convergent journalism and public relations.
Dr. Raucher served over ten years as Chair of the Department of Communication and
has been the General Manager of the University’s famed FM radio station, WNHU-88.7FM.
He has also been the Business School Coordinator for the University’s program in southeastern
Connecticut. He has edited the Business Letter, the newsletter for the School of Business
and served three years as editor-in-chief for ECA News, the newsletter of the Eastern
Communication Association, the oldest professional communication association in the
country. He has also been on the editorial board of Communication Research Reports.
He was the supervising director for the weekly TV interview show "Dialogue with Laurel
Vlock" which had seven production seasons at the University of New Haven.
Dr. Raucher is also an attorney and a member of the Connecticut and Federal bars.
Steve Raucher was also the Citation Hearing Officer for the town, and recognized by
the mayor as a Hamden Notable.
His main research area is in the field of communication law and the First Amendment.
He was the lead reviewer in the First Amendment and communication area for Choice
Magazine. He is a member of Lamda Pi Eta, the Communication honor society, and Sigma
Beta Delta, the Business honor society. He has also been recognized for outstanding
service by the Veterans Affairs organization at the University of New Haven.
He taught regularly in the MAKOM high school program sponsored by the Department of
Jewish Education of the Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven, and in Kulanu, the
Jewish supplementary high school program in Stratford and has lectured on the areas
of TV scheduling, First Amendment law, the December Dilemma, Assisted Suicide statutes,
Obscenity law, and Jewish humor. He was also the co-chair of the Steering Committee
for the United Synagogue Youth program in the Connecticut Valley region and was a
Trustee and Vice President of Temple Beth Sholom.
Published Books and Articles
Editorial Board – Communication Quarterly – (2003 - 2005 )
Editorial Board – Communication Research Reports - 1995 - 1998
"Hate Speech-Hate Crimes" - A Bibliographic Essay
"A Perspective on PBX Toll Fraud - Revised" May 1994 SEVENTH CONFERENCE ON CORPORATE
COMMUNICATION - Panel & Proceedings
Editor in Chief: ECA NEWS (Biannual) 1992-1995
"A Perspective on PBX Toll Fraud" accepted by the Rhode Island Telecommunications
Consortium 1993
Respondent: Law & Communication Interest Group Research Panel: ECA 1993
"Legal Implications of Classroom Assignments" ECA Spring 1993 Annual Conference
New Technology and Public Relations, 2ed; published by Institute for Public Relations
Research (1993)
Chapter 6 (Section III) "Communication Equipment Considerations"
Chapter 7 (Section III) "Audio Visual Equipment"
Reviewer: "Choice" magazine (1990-1996) - Lead reviewer in 1st Amendment area
"Public Relations for the Synagogue"; Conservative Judaism. Winter, 1987.
Editor: "The Business Letter", Office of the Dean, School of Business, Bureau of Business
Research, U.N.H., Fall, 1986.
"RJR vs. Saatachi" - Advertising Age: Viewpoint: May 9, 1988.
Paper and panel presentation, Eastern Communication Association annual meeting, April,
1988. Also accepted in AUBER and E.R.I.C.