Silvia Risaliti

Tuscany Campus in Prato
Study Abroad
About Silvia
From Prato, Silvia graduated cum laude (with honor) in modern languages from the University of Florence with a specialization in British literature and the Grand Tour. After many years of working in the family textile agency as export manager, in 2002 she became a professional tour guide for the Provinces of Prato and Florence. In the same year, she began organizing educational conferences and historical tours for the Monash University center in Prato.
She is an active translator and research assistant for writers and scholars. Since 2012, she has also been active in the creation and development of the Tuscany Campus. Her responsibilities include faculty and student housing, excursions and activities, as well as programming and on-site teaching for special group visits to Prato. She loves the sea, traveling, reading, walking, food, and wine.