Rozina Jaser, M.S.

Coordinator, Introduction to Biology for Non-Majors
Biology and Environmental Science Department
College of Arts and Sciences
M.S., Science Education, Southern Connecticut State University
B.S., Biology, State University of New York at Stony Brook
Independent Graduate-Level Research, College of Dentistry, New York University
CT State Certification in Biology (7-12)
CT State Certification in General Science (7-12)
About Rozina
I discovered my passion for research and the exchange of knowledge while investigating the regeneration of self-extracted periodontal ligament and gingival connective tissue cells on natural and synthetic barrier membranes. My research experience inspires my teaching philosophy. I strive to ignite my students’ curiosities while engaging them through active learning and meaningful collaborative problem solving. I currently coordinate the online sections of General and Human Biology I for non-majors and teach a variety of Biology majors’ courses.