Josep De Alcaraz-Fossoul , Ph.D.

Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences
B.S. in Microbiology, University of Wales
B.S. in Biology, University of Girona
M.S. in Criminalistics, Autonomous University of Barcelona
Ph.D. in Tropical Medicine, Molecular Biology, University of Liverpool
About Josep
Josep De Alcaraz-Fossoul's professional and educational careers have developed in three different countries in the public and private sectors since 1996.
See MoreHe earned a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology in the UK (University of Liverpool) and a M.S. in Criminalistics in Catalonia (University of Barcelona). Professionally, he held a Post-Doc position at the Biomedical Research Institute of Barcelona (IRBB) and as Forensic Scientist at the Catalonia Police (Mossos d'Esquadra). He has lectured forensic science at the University of Barcelona,California State University-Los Angeles and Arizona State University. He as well is directing an international scientific research project on latent fingerprint aging processes.
Dr. Fossoul collaborates in other scientific assignments on the genetics of suicidal behavior and questioned document/handwriting analysis. He is actively involved in the forensic science community and is a member of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and the International Association for Identification.
Research Experience
Manager and Director of an international research project on Latent Fingerprint Aging Processes at the University of Barcelona , Faculty of Medicine, Catalonia.
Post-Doctoral fellow, Biomedical Research Institute of Barcelona (IRBB), Parc Científic de Barcelona, BCN, Catalonia.
Undergraduate Laboratory Assistant, Vector and Molecular Biology Laboratory, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK.
See MorePublications
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Mestres Patris C., Balaciart Muntaner A., Barrot Feixat C., Gené Badia M. Determination of latent fingerprint degradation patterns – A real fieldwork study. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 2013; 127(4): 857-70.
Barrot C., Sánchez C., Ortega M., De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Carreras C., Medallo J., Bono N., Royes A., Gené M. DNA paternity tests in Spain without the mother´s consent: The legal responsibility of the laboratories. Forensic Science International: Genetics. 2014; 8:33-35.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Mestres Patris C., Barrot Feixat C., Watson S., Brandelli D., McGarr L., Stow K., O'Brien A., Gené Badia M. Degradation parameters of the aging process of latent fingermarks. Proceedings of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. 2014; Volume 20.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Mestres Patris C., Barrot Feixat C., and Gené Badia M. Innovative Ideas for Progress: Dating fingerprints (Chapter). Caixa d’Enginyers Foundation, Spain, Legal Deposit B-13103-2014. 2014, pg. 95-98.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J.; Barrot-Feixat, C.; Roberts K.A. The paradigm of fingerprint age determination. Jacobs Journal of Forensic Science. 2015, 1(1): 006.
Barrot C., Ortega M., Carrera C., De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Subirana M., Salavert J., Mezquita J., Castella J., Gené M. Relationships between the molecular basis of impulsivity and suicidal behavior. Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 5 (2015) e530–e531.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J.; Barrot-Feixat, C.; McGarr, L.; Stow, K.; Roberts, K. A.; Hogrebe, G.; and Gené Badia, M. Fingerprint ridge drift: an undescribed phenomenon. (68th AAFS Annual Scientific Meeting, 2016).
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Mestres Patris C., Barrot Feixat C., Brandelli D., McGarr L., Stow K., Gené Badia M. Latent fingermark aging patterns (Part I): minutiae count as one indicator of degradation. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2016; 61(2):322-33.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J.; Roberts, K. A.; Barrot-Feixat, C.; Hogrebe, G.; and Gené Badia M. Fingermark ridge drift. Forensic Science International. 258 (2016) 26–31.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Barrot Feixat C., Tasker, J, McGarr L., Stow K., Carreras-Marin, C, Gené Badia M. Latent fingermark aging patterns (Part II): colour contrast between ridges and furrows as one indicator of degradation. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2016; 61(4):947-58.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J., Barrot Feixat C., Tasker, J, Carreras-Marin, C, Zapico S. C, Gené Badia M. Latent fingermark aging patterns (Part III): Discontinuity index as one indicator of degradation. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2017; 62(5):1180-1187.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul J.; Roberts, K. A. Forensic Intelligence applied to Questioned Document Analysis: A model and its application against Organized Crime. Science & Justice. 2017; 57(4):314-320.
De Alcaraz-Fossoul, J., Barrot Feixat C., Zapico S. C, Mancenido M, Broatch J, Roberts K. A., Carreras-Marin, C, Tasker, J. Ridge Width Correlations between Inked Prints and Powdered Latent Fingerprints. Journal of Forensic Sciences. 2017. DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.13656. (ahead of print).
De Alcaraz-Fossoul, J., Barrot-Feixat, C., Stow, K. Is it sensible to use statistics in all forensic science disciplines at all levels? (under review).
Aug 2017 - NCUIRE (New College Undergraduate Inquiry & Research Experiences) program, internal grant to mentor ASU students in research.
June 2017 - SRCA (Scholarship, Research and Creative Activities) ASU Internal Research Grant. Project name: Analyzing The Degradation of Fingerprints by 3-D Imaging Technology.
Nov 2016 - European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) for the 4-year project proposal # CA16101 "MULTI-modal Imaging of FOREnsic SciEnce Evidence - tools for Forensic Science".
April 2015 - PG-ME Individual Merit Award for handwriting expert report which contributed in solving a double-homicide in Barcelona (crime case with extensive attention on television, radio and press).
Oct 2013 - "Idees Innovadores per al Progrés". Caixa d’Enginyers Foundation, Barcelona. Finalist for progress in technological innovation.
Aug 2012 - European Academy of Forensic Science (EAFS 2012), The Hague, the Netherlands. Best Poster Top Ten, 2012.
Nov 2001 - WDA Technology Prizes 2001. Winner of the Technology Award.