Jim Uebelacker, Ph.D.

Mathematics and Physics Department
College of Arts and Sciences
B.A. Honors Degree in Mathematics, LeMoyne College
M.A. in Mathematics, Syracuse University
Ph.D. in Mathematics, Syracuse University
About Jim
Dr. Uebelacker joined the University of New Haven in January 1978 and is currently the chair of Mathematics Department. In the recent past, Dr. Uebelacker has taught Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Combinatorics and Graph Theory and Mathematical Modeling. This was during and immediately after completing 22 years in academic administration here at the University of New Haven. He served as Assistant Provost, Associate Provost, Vice Provost, and for 10 years as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost. This service involved exciting and challenging sets of experiences in times when unlimited growth was no longer the norm for American higher education. The unique opportunities to interact with so many students from different cultures and to help develop programs on campus and in the Middle East and Asia were particularly gratifying.
He is married with 2 daughters. His wife, Kathy, teaches and tutors part-time at the University of New Haven. Daughter Lisa is married and now the mother of a gorgeous granddaughter, Sonya. She is an assistant professor in clinical psychology at Brown University on a research grant from NIMH . Her husband, Matt, just accepted a position in researching Alzheimer's disease at Merck. Daughter Julie (maid-of-honor in the photo below) is a consultant, specializing in retirement programs.
Dr. Uebelacker is an avid amateur tennis player and has been Captain of his USTA adult
tennis team, The Nationals, for the past 7 years. Almost all of those years, his team
qualified for the divisional playoffs, sometimes by placing first in its division.
It won the divisional playoffs twice, before unfortunately losing out at the New England
Sectional Playoffs.
He is also interested in bridge (which he does not get to play often enough), travel,
puzzles, spectator sports and reading (specializing more recently in historical novels).