Jeffrey Foster, Ph.D.

English Department
College of Arts and Sciences
Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
M.A., Western Connecticut State University
A.B., Middlebury College
About Jeffrey
One of my primary objectives as an instructor of English is to help students strengthen their written and oral communication skills. In my courses, I stress the importance of the precise articulation of ideas and opinions, the potency of language to persuade (rhetoric), and the overall beauty and wonder of the English language. I guarantee that, as one of my students, you will enjoy a thought-provoking, enlightening, and fun experience!
Selected Publications
"Lemmings, Hemingway, and Solving for X." Digital Papercut. Vol. 1, No. 2. (Fall 2014)
"Why is Keith Richards Living in My Bathroom?" Sawmill Magazine. Issue #2 (Spring 2013)
"Sinners in the Hands of an Amphibious God" (flash fiction). Splash of Red. (Nov. 2009)
"Mommy, When I Grow Up I Want to Be a Marxist (for bell hooks)" (flash fiction). decomp Magazine. (June 2009)
"I Vomited Into the Bushes When I Saw the Cyclops Boy" (flash fiction). The AmpersandReview. Vol 3 (Spring 2009)
"The Dalai Lama Orders Coffee at the Drive-Thru" (flash fiction). Nano Fiction. Vol. 2, No. 2 (Spring 2009)
"Please, I Really Want a Fried-Dough Maker" (flash fiction). The Foliate Oak Online LiteraryReview. Vol 5, Issue 2 (Fall 2008)
"Chicken Wire Hair-do," "Smoke Detector Divorce," and "Telephone Homicide" (3 poems). Change: An Occasional Magazine Dedicated to the Memory of Richard Brautigan. No. 2 (Fall 2006). 2 Jan. 2007
"Please Don’t Plant This Book" (flash fiction). Change: An Occasional Magazine Dedicated to the Memory of Richard Brautigan. No. 2. 2 Jan. 2007
"Richard Brautigan’s Utopia of Detachment" (article). Connecticut Review 14.1 (1992): 85-91.
Courses Taught
- ENGL 1105 Composition
- ENGL 1110 Composition & Literature
- ENGL 2230 Public Speaking & Group Discussion
- ENGL 2267 Creative Writing I
- ENGL 2268 Creative Writing II
- ENGL 4481 Special Topics: Native American Literature