Ines Reardon, M.S.

Biology and Environmental Science Department
College of Arts and Sciences
M.S. University of Maryland 1985 – 1987
Marine Estuarine – Environmental Sciences
Fisheries Biology
B.S. Tufts University 1980 - 1984
Fluent in both English and Spanish.
Reardon, I.S. and Harrell, R.M. (1990). "Acute Toxicity of Formalin and Copper Sulfate to Striped Bass Fingerlings Held in Various Salinities." Aquaculture, 87 255-270.
Reardon, I.S. and Harrell, R.M. (1994). "Effects of varying salinities on the toxicity of potassium permanganate to larval and juvenile striped bass, Morone saxatilis (Walbaum)." Aquaculture Research 25 (6) 571–578.