David Harding, Ph.D.

Chemistry and Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Department
Chemistry and Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Department
About David
Dr. Harding joined the faculty of the University of New Haven in September 1993. He has served as coordinator of the Chemical Engineering program since 2000. Dr. Harding’s industrial experience, totaling nine years, includes process engineering in the chemical manufacturing industry and project engineering in the environmental remediation industry. He has been a registered professional engineer for over 15 years. Dr. Harding has significant consulting experience in a variety of industries.
Since joining the University of New Haven, Dr. Harding has developed two graduate level courses in the area of Air Pollution. He has been heavily involved in the recent development of the multi-disciplinary engineering curricula for undergraduate engineering students at the University of New Haven.
Published Books and Articles
Yang, Y., S. Lim, C. Wang, D. Harding and G. Haller, Multivariate correlation and prediction of the synthesis of vanadium substituted mesoporous molecular sieves, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 67, 245-257 (2003).
Lim, S., D. Ciuparu, C. Pak, F. Dobek, Y. Chen, D. Harding, L. Pfefferle and G. Haller, Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Ordered Co-MCM-41 for Production of Aligned Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes (SWNT), J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 11048-11056 (2003).
Ciuparu, D., S.S. Lim, Y. Chen, F. Dobek, D. Harding, G. Haller, and L. Pfefferle, "Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes on Cobalt Catalysts Incorporated in Mesoporous Molecular Sieves," presented at AIChE annual meeting, San Francisco , California , November 2003.
Haller, G.L., Y. Yang, S.S. Lim, C. Wang, and D. Harding, "Multivariate Correlation of Synthesis Variables to Predict the Structure and Composition of Vanadium Substituted Mesoporous Molecular Sieves," presented at AIChE annual meeting, San Francisco , California , November 2003.
Lim, S.S., D. Ciuparu, F. Dobek, Y. Chen, D. Harding, L. Pfefferle, and G. Haller "Synthesis and Characterization of Co-MCM-41 for Producing Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes," presented at 18th North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, June 2003.
Ciuparu, D., S.S. Lim, Y. Chen, F. Dobek, D. Harding, G. Haller, and L. Pfefferle, "Catalytic Growth of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in MCM-41 Templates," presented at 18th North American Meeting of the North American Catalysis Society, June 2003.
Ciuparu, D., S.S. Lim, Y. Chen, F. Dobek, D. Harding, G. Haller, and L. Pfefferle, "Catalytic Growth of Uniform Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes using Mesoporous Molecular Sieve Templates," presented at 2003 Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, February 2003.
Courses Taught
- EAS 109 Project Planning and Development
- CM 301 Transport Phenomena Analysis
- CM 401 Mass Transfer Operations
- CM 410L Transport Operations Laboratory
- CM 521/CM 621 Air Pollution Fundamentals