Charles Vigue, Ph.D.

Biology and Environmental Science Department
College of Arts and Sciences
Postdoctoral Experience: The Johns Hopkins University
Ph.D., Genetics, North Carolina State University
B.A., M.S., Zoology, University of Maine
About Charles
Charles Vigue served twelve years as chairman of the Department of Biology and Environmental Science and twenty years as editor of the Connecticut Journal of Science Education. He has also held the positions of Visiting Research Scientist and Visiting Professor at Yale University School of Medicine.
Charles Vigue has been a member of the staff of WNHU, the University of New Haven's radio station, for 24 years where he has produced several music, science, and travel programs. He is also faculty advisor of SMILE (Students Making and Impact on their Living Environment), a University of New Haven student community service club.
Selected Publications
Vigue, C. Severo Ochoa. In Great Lives from History: Latinos, R. Kent Rasmussen, editor. Pasadena, CA:Salem Press. (in press).
Vigue, C. Smallpox Vaccine. In Salem Health: Infectious Diseases & Conditions, Tracy Irons-Georges, editor. Pasadena, CA:Salem Press. (in press).
Vigue, C. The Human Genome Project. In The Nineties in America. Milton Berman, editor. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. (2009)
Vigue, C. Genetically Engineered Foods. In The Nineties in America. Milton Berman, editor. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. (2009).
Vigue, C. Polio. In The Thirties in America, R. Kent Rasmussen, editor. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, pp 609-610 (2011).
Vigue, C. The March of Dimes. In The Thirties in America, R. Kent Rasmussen, editor. Pasadena, CA:Salem Press, pp 786-787 (2011).
Vigue, C. Harold Varmus. In Great Lives from History: Jewish Americans, Rafael Medoff, editor, Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, pp 1218-1219 (2011).
Vigue, C. Kary Mullis. In Great Lives from History: Inventors and Inventions. Alvin Benson, editor. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, pp 819-822 (2010).
Vigue, C. Herbert W. Boyer. In Great Lives from History: Inventors and Inventions. Alvin Benson, editor. Pasadena, Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, pp 119-121 (2010).
Vigue, C. The Avery-MacLeod-McCarty Experiment. In The Forties in America. Thomas Tandy Lewis, editor, Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, pp 287-288 (2010).
Vigue, C. Burkitt’s Lymphoma. Salem Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine: CANCER. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. (2009).
Vigue, C. Oncogenic Virus. Salem Encyclopedia of Health and Medicine: CANCER. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. (2009).
Vigue, C. Corticosteroids. In Magill’s Medical Guide, Fourth Revised Edition. Edited by Tracy Irons-Georges. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2008).
Vigue, C. Human Papilloma Virus. In Magill’s Medical Guide, Fourth Revised Edition. Edited by Tracy Irons-Georges. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2008).
Vigue, C. Aspartame. In The Eighties in America. Edited by Milton Berman. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2008).
Vigue, C. DNA Fingerprinting. In The Eighties in America. Edited by Milton Berman. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2008).
Vigue, C. Francis Crick. In Great Lives from History: The 20th Century. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (revision of an earlier publication, by invitation. (2008).
Vigue, C. Kary Mullis. In Great Lives from History: The 20th Century. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press. (2008).Vigue, C. Habakkuk, Pykrete, and the Internment of Max Perutz. Connecticut Journal of Science Education 42: 45-47 (2005)
Vigue, C. and D. Smith. The Double Helix, Raymond Gosling, and Photo 51. Connecticut
Journal of Science Education 43: 12-14 (2005).
Vigue, C. Sex Determination and Gender Testing at the Olympics. Connecticut Journal
of Science Education 43: 26-33 (2005).
Vigue, C. Phenylketonuria (PKU). In Encyclopedia of Genetics, Revised Edition. Bryan
D. Ness, editor. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2004).
Vigue, C. Thalassemia. In Magill’s Medical Guide, Third Revised Edition. Edited by
Karen Kalumuck. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2004).
Vigue, C. Maple Syrup Urine Disease. In Magill’s Medical Guide, Third Revised Edition.
Edited by Karen Kalumuck. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2004).
Vigue, C. Lipids. In Magill’s Encyclopedia of Science: Plant Life, edited by Bryan
Ness, Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2003).
Vigue, C. Proteins. In Magill’s Encyclopedia of Science: Plant Life, edited by Bryan
Ness, Pasadena, CA: Salem Press (2003).
Vigue, C.P. A. Levene and the Structure of DNA. Connecticut Journal of Science Education
40: 38-40 (2003).
Vigue. C. Oops! A Triple Helix. Connecticut Journal of Science Education 40: 52-53
Vigue, C. The Rasmatazz of Cancer Genes. Connecticut Journal of Science Education
38: 41-43 (2001).
Vigue, C. Selenocysteine: The 21st Amino Acid. Connecticut Journal of Science Education 39: 14 (2001).
Vigue, C.Barbara McClintock. In The Biographical Encyclopedia of Science. R. Olson,
editor, Pasadena: Salem Press (New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp.). (1998).
Vigue, C., L. Vigue, and G. Huszar. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) Concentrations and
ATP/Adenosine Diphosphate Rations in Human Sperm of Normospermic, Oligospermic, and
Asthenospermic Specimens and in their Swim-up Fractions: Lack of Correlation Between
ATP Parameters and Sperm Creatine Kinase Concentrations. J. of Andrology 13:305-311
Vigue, C. Murphy's Law and the Human Beta-Globin Gene. American Biology Teacher 49:
76-81 (1987).
Vigue, C. The Prank at Piltdown. Essays in Arts and Sciences 16:85-94 (1987).
Vigue, C.Oswald Avery and DNA. American Biology Teacher 46: 207-211 (1984)
Vigue, C.Eugenics and the Education of Women in the United States. Educational Administration
and History (1983).
Vigue, C., P. Weisgram, and E. Rosenthal. Seasonal Variation in the Frequencies of
the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoalleles of Drosophila: Correlation with Environmental
Factors. Biochemical Genetics 20:681-688 (1982).
Vigue, C., and L. Vigue. The Eugenics Movement in America. Essays in Arts and Sciences
11:1-12 (1982).
Gionfriddo, M., C. Vigue, and P. Weisgram. Seasonal Variation in the Frequencies of
the Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoalleles of Drosophila: Correlation with Environmental
Factors. Genetical Research: 34:317-319 (1979).
Gionfriddo, M., and C. Vigue. Alcohol Dehydrogenase Frequencies and Temperature. Genetical
Research 31:97-101 (1978).
Vigue, C. And W. Sofer. Chemical Selection of Mutants that Affect ADH Activity in Drosophila.
III. Effects of Ethanol. Biochemical Genetics 14:127-135 (1976).
Vigue, C., and W. Sofer. ADHn5: A Temperature Sensitive Mutant at the Adh Locus in
Drosophila. Biochemical Genetics 11:387-396 (1974).
Vigue, C. L. And F. M. Johnson. Isozyme Variability in Species of Drosophila VI. Frequency-Property-Environment
Relationships of Allelic Alcohol Dehydrogenases in D. melanogaster. Biochemical Genetics
9:213-227 (1973).